Notre technologie de 10 couleurs
Nos peintures murales sont produites sur des imprimantes avec une qualité d’impression photographique exceptionnelle. Une résolution d’image extrême : qualité d'image photographique
avec la gamme de couleurs plus grande de sa catégorie
Facile à installer
Notre impression murale peut être enlevée sans aucun dommage à vos murs. Facile à modifier ou à supprimer. Nous utilisons un média de 6 mil auto-adhésif en vinyle avec une texture subtile de lin-coton.
Changer l’apparence d’une pièce sans avoir à utiliser du papier peint traditionnel. Nos impressions murales deviennent la solution parfaite pour améliorer facilement n’importe quel espace résidentiel ou commercial !
Vinyle autocollant repositionnable livré par bande de 35 à 45 pouces de largeur qui se chevauchent légèrement pour faciliter l’installation.
[Plus d’infos sur nos impressions murales]
ALL my designs are individually created and delivered with Certificate of Authenticity. All separate ordered Oil Paintings are Exclusivity ONE per design, as well as available as NFT..
"Arte Fino Art" presents Uniqueness and transforms my creative ideas from existing Art into revived and new looks. I love colors, presenting Uniqueness in re-designs of "Old Masters" Paintings, to modern drawings and Photos. For some categories, there is no choice, but to use AI generated images
Visit my Custom creative designs to revive Art by the Famous Artists of the Past, visit my Galleries for "Van Gogh", "Monet", "Renoir",
Niche galleries are: Brains Only
Total 1047 Brains designs on my website Brains Only
The Horses collection Majestic Horses
more Glass Art Collection1 and 2 on my website Glass Art
and the Avatar set 46 US-Presidents. The original paintings recreated in different styles.
Why my Art is different: a) Every design is created individually and only available as Canvas Print or Oil Painting, and also available as a NFT. NFT is a "Non-Fungible-Token", recorded on the Blockchain, and you are the ONLY owner of records of such Exclusive Custom Art. Therefore, the NFT is backed by a real product.
My concept consists of transforming Photos, Portraits, Drawings and Oil Paintings into unique designs by enhancing, digitizing the original, then adjusting the paint styles, and colors, hues and saturation. My changes are done manually and visually, some minor completion are done with AI assistance in the program. Arte Fino Art designs are different, presenting Elegance, Creativity, Uniqueness, Exclusivity and Value for the Art Lovers.
I source from photos, paintings, illustrations and whenever possible, verify with Artist designer, that the original is not AI created. (There are Exception which part are AI created). Since 2021-22 AI has changed the Art image creation, sadly. I appreciate your love for my work.
My name: Holger Speth, hope you enjoy my collections.
PS: If you want to pay via BTC or ETH contact me HERE.